Monday, May 19, 2008

More on that bidding question

So Starman looked at the substance (as opposed to the style) of the preceding post. He said, happily, "I don't see what the problem is -- that's Michaels, showing spades and a minor, so you bid two no trump showing that you have minors."

That's the titular unusual two no trump, in fact. Which is cool, but not applicable, as I don't have both minors. Go back and check. I'll wait.

Okay, got it?

I went through all this with Starman (who would only make a Michaels cue bid when I actually HAD spades; he's that kind of partner) (although, now that I think about it, he bid three no trump the other night after a Jacoby transfer, and he had a singleton in a side suit -- I was not amused! -- so maybe he very rarely is that kind of partner), who finally said that he guessed you had to bid two spades and just take your medicine.

Not an entirely satisfactory answer. Anything better out there?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

So what do you bid?

My hand:

♠ Ax
♣ xx

I'm sitting South. The bidding goes:
1 2 Pass?

My partner's 2 bid is a cue bid to show spade support, but allow me to bid them. Only trouble is, I don't want to bid spades, let alone play in spades. I don't want to pass (with a human partner, it would serve him/her right, but I was playing against a computer partner, and strangely they never seem to care that I'm tearing my hair out), and I don't want to bid 3. I actually have a crappy hand.

I'm embarrassed to say, I don't know if we were vulnerable. I also don't know how this hand played out, or if I just took it as a sign that it was time to stop playing bridge online and go do something useful. But I did take the time to write it out, so that I could mull over it.

I still don't know what you do. I'll have to ask someone smart.

Incidentally, and on a meta-note, this post was really hard to do. I had to crib a version of an HTML table. I'm a lawyer, people, not computer savvy at all. Starman (who *is* computer savvy) was disinclined to help, but did make the crucial suggestion at the crucial time: Google the terms "Blogspot Table FAQ" and see what you get. It worked! Well, the bidding table here needs a lot of tweaking, but I think I can make something sensible the next time. This is good enough for now.