Saturday, January 12, 2008


Starman and I were playing online last night and we found ourselves defending a game contract by the robots (3NT, I think). We were setting them, but there was a trick where Starman led a small diamond, declarer played the 10 and I covered with the jack. I then led the9 back. Dummy had nothing interesting, but Starman was sitting on Q7. He played the Q. I pointed out to him after the hand was over that the 9 was equal to the Q, so he could have played low, got declarer's ace out of the way (the K had been played previously) and then the Q takes another trick.

Starman thought about all this before saying, "I know I should be aware of honors down to the eight, but I'm no there yet." I see his point.

It's good to know your own limits.

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